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Terms and conditions at “Vip Escort Agency”

How to make booking?

Please visit our gallery and chose the best girl for you, then give us a call on ….(number)… or fill out reservation form, or send us e-mail …(e-mail) any time. For Incall visit - you need to give us your name, phone number, confirm the time and duration. For Outcall visit – you need to provide us your hotel or residence address, your name, post code, land-line number to call you and confirm your booking. Our administrator will notice you, if there are some extra fees for transportation. We cover Central London and Heathrow and Gatwick hotels. Our girls have quite busy lives, so if it is possible to arrange escort meetings in advance. Let us know if you have any special dress code requirements.


We accept only cash £, $ and €, do not accept credit cards and cheques. When you meet escort girl, please pay her within first 5 minutes. All fees paid to our girl are strictly for the time and companionship only.

Incalls and outcalls:

“Incall” means that you visit the girl at her private apartment; all our ladies have comfortable, private places. “Outcall” means that girl visits you at your residence or hotel. All girls can also travel outside and join you in you trip overseas.


If you wish you can cancel the appointment within the first 5 minutes of the meeting. If it is outcall cancellation – the customer have to pay escort girl her traveling cost. In order to avoid misunderstanding, please contact us and explain your cancellation problem.

Important information:

Please note that all money paid to Vip escort is for girl’s time and companionship only. Everything that happens during your time together is the result of the independent actions of adults.

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